Water Tower Music近日宣布,华纳兄弟电影《蝙蝠侠大战超人:正义黎明》音乐原声带将于3月18日发行,包括CD、豪华双CD、数字等格式版本,由奥斯卡提名音乐家汉斯·季默和荷兰音乐家汤姆·霍肯伯格联合打造。

电影音乐原声带总共收录了13首歌曲,包括片尾曲《Men Are Still Good》和《Do You Bleed?》。豪华扩展版原声带专辑,包括双CD、3LP和豪华数字套装还另外收录了5首曲子,时长超过90分钟。专辑上刻录了蝙蝠侠和超人图像,并赠送了音乐下载卡。汉斯·季默和汤姆·霍肯伯格都曾参与《钢铁之躯》和《黑暗骑士》配乐工作,这次两位大师分别为超人和蝙蝠侠两位主角创作了各自的主题配乐。
1. Beautiful Lie
2. Their War Here
3. The Red Capes Are Coming
4. Day Of The Dead
5. Must There Be A Superman?
6. New Rules
7. Do You Bleed?
8. Problems Up Here
9. Black and Blue
10. Tuesday
11. Is She With You?
12. This Is My World
13. Men Are Still Good (The Batman Suite)
14. Blood Of My Blood (Bonus Track)**
15. Vigilante (Bonus Track)**
16. May I Help You, Mr. Wayne? (Bonus Track)**
17. They Were Hunters (Bonus Track)**